Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Shreveport Screening Success

Real People, Reel Perspectives

Last night’s screening in Shreveport was a huge success. The crowd – that overflowed in to the balcony area - was larger than expected and very engaged. After a rousing ovation, the audience hung around for questions for an hour. The makeup of the audience was an interesting mix of students, professors, local leaders, and members of many local area churches. Bryan Hall and I both noticed and commented to each other how many people came up to discuss the substance of the film, and not just the horse race of this political campaign.

As in the other screenings so far, we were swamped with questions about where the film would be in theaters and how people could get copies – questions we love. But, the most wonderful part of the evening was the wonderful southern hospitality – and the chocolate chip cookies!

Reed Dickens

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